Tuesday, November 25, 2008

BLAST24: Tweet Question: Define "Choice" ....

Kenneth Yu
emailcopywriter @mchammer grew up with your music bro. Good 2 c u in these parts. What r u up to these days?
Cimmeron Studios
website_design @MCHammer interesting, I thought you were a pastor?
MattMuelver @MCHammer Yes, we have the choice between good & evil. Society has the right to punish the evil, such as those who take the lives of others.
Eric Pederson
dealexpert @MCHammer Choice is all we have, it is everything, our purpose and test and it can never be taken away from us. Knowing that makes us free
Enchantedpr Icon_red_lock @MCHammer u mean "choice" in reference to lifestyle?
 iStone 
_iStone_ @MCHammer Not so much"right" as it is a responsibility. We were created with that choice. Not "robots", our choices change the world.
James R. Dickey
jamesdickey @mchammer Just because we're free to make either choice doesn't mean one isn't clearly better than the other, and therefore to be encouraged
tom_obay @MCHammer And rap fools, I gotta serve em but this time the Hammer gotta hert em
Mr K
Heather Larson
cbelter @MCHammer if you ever come to west Canada mainly AB I would love to shoot some portraits
TrentCotton @MChammer Loved your stuff growing up, love what you're doing now more! God bless.
lisi silveira
lisisilveira @MCHammer what did the Clergy men said?
dlayphoto @MCHammer We are applauding that tweet. Well said.
Thomas Vander Wal
vanderwal Icon_red_lock @MCHammer I am so glad somebody else is saying this about choice
Yagami Light
Lou Austad
donnadoreen @MCHammer "choice is a Godly pillar" nice nice!!!
donnadoreen @MCHammer 2nd response: if one believes in free-will existance then yes we have the right to choose.
Yorkali Walters
imajin2102 @MCHammer you might find this interesting, regarding Choice: http://snurl.com/5uwzc I definitely do.
donnadoreen @MCHammer tough Q! if ones beliefs in a pre-ordained existance, then no b/c its been orchestrated to Gods will, good or evil? 2nd answer..
Dr. Shawn Dill
sdill @MCHammer we don't have the "right", we have the "responsibility" to choose between doing good and doing evil
Danna Crawford
powersellingmom @MCHammer Hi ya, can you send me some items to sell on eBay for charity by chance? DM me if you can! Thanks!
classiclady @MCHammer What have you been up to lately??? Life treating you good or fair??
lisi silveira
lisisilveira @MCHammer we have the option to choose ...
SashaKane @MCHammer I would say: Do we have the "Ability" to chose between good and evil? Should be a promise we make ourselves-Always chose good...
Ben Simo
qualityfrog @MCHammer What do you mean by "right"? A moral entitlement? We're able to choose to do wrong but not morally & legally entitled to do wrong.
Shanthala Balagopal
shanthala @MCHammer What is good and bad is not defined by anyone but yourself. So you HAVE the right...your perception has the right.
William Reardon
wdr1 @MCHammer if you don't have the freedom to be evil, you don't have any freedom at all. The majority always deems what it wants as "good."
MarkusMaru @MCHammer choice is what we were given. the price we must pay. the right is weighed heavily: redemption as an example.
gregular @MCHammer We have a responsibility to choose to do the right thing. We have the ability to choose to do the wrong thing.
marketingtipstr @MCHammer Does a person with a blinded heart have a choice ? or is their darkened heart not able to choose.
Tom Gardner
nitewraith @MCHammer ...is evil. I was raised to always let my concience be my guide. I hope I do everything that is good and do no evil.
daNanner @MCHammer I would say so. God gave us free will for a reason
erikaengle @MCHammer Is the free will the Creator gave us a choice or a right? Not sure, but know what to do about it! ✝
Kenneth Yu
emailcopywriter @mchammer grew up with your music bro. Good 2 c u in these parts. What r u up to these days?
Cimmeron Studios
website_design @MCHammer interesting, I thought you were a pastor?
MattMuelver @MCHammer Yes, we have the choice between good & evil. Society has the right to punish the evil, such as those who take the lives of others.
Eric Pederson
dealexpert @MCHammer Choice is all we have, it is everything, our purpose and test and it can never be taken away from us. Knowing that makes us free
Enchantedpr Icon_red_lock @MCHammer u mean "choice" in reference to lifestyle?
 iStone 
_iStone_ @MCHammer Not so much"right" as it is a responsibility. We were created with that choice. Not "robots", our choices change the world.
James R. Dickey
jamesdickey @mchammer Just because we're free to make either choice doesn't mean one isn't clearly better than the other, and therefore to be encouraged
tom_obay @MCHammer And rap fools, I gotta serve em but this time the Hammer gotta hert em
Mr K
Heather Larson
cbelter @MCHammer if you ever come to west Canada mainly AB I would love to shoot some portraits
TrentCotton @MChammer Loved your stuff growing up, love what you're doing now more! God bless.
lisi silveira
lisisilveira @MCHammer what did the Clergy men said?
dlayphoto @MCHammer We are applauding that tweet. Well said.
Thomas Vander Wal
vanderwal Icon_red_lock @MCHammer I am so glad somebody else is saying this about choice
Yagami Light
Jennifer Quigley
jenqz @MCHammer I feel you, and that makes more sense than you could ever imagine.
bevbarnett @mchammer what if religion is defined as relationship?
Joy Smith
theinsanewriter @MCHammer "but I support your right to be religious and "choose" your religion..." Well said!
donnadoreen @MCHammer relationship is more flexible towards compassion. religion begets war, deceipt, hypocricy Only an un-boxed God is transparant. : )
ellen stoehr
Shannon Kish
shannonkish @MCHammer interesting thoughts there. I reject religion b/c it has only caused me pain
Claudia Joy MacCloud
ClaudiaMacCloud @MCHammer Let me rephrase that ''a choice to do good or evil'' and he ''hopes we make a good decision to do good''
Jackie Danicki
jackiedanicki Icon_red_lock @mchammer have you read Orthodoxy by GK Chesterton? I suspect you would really enjoy it. Very smart, funny look at religion & values
GeekDad Ken
E. Pope III
blessedbriliant @MCHammer I have rejected the people that have manipulated religion to their own ends. Yet, my faith is based upon my religious beliefs.
Jason Feinberg
otmg @MCHammer i fully agree. what other people believe doesn't need to govern my personal life.
Ranma Saotome
djranmas @MCHammer Now that's something I truly believe in.
Claudia Joy MacCloud
ClaudiaMacCloud @MCHammer Yes everyone has a choice to be good or evil. He (God) has died to give us that choice hoping we would make a good choice & b good
Legere @MCHammer your riff on "choice" is Miltonian. I like it.
Kerry Finch
KerryFinch @MCHammer I think many clergymen put themselves in the place of God, and forget the key to being a good person: "do unto others...."
encouragement4u @MCHammer H.A.M.M.E.R. means Hope Always Manifests More Empowered Resources
IrisinNC @MCHammer Do you think "organized" religion has been the cause of its own demise? More people our age seem spiritual but not religious
Jackie Danicki
jackiedanicki Icon_red_lock @mchammer free will as central to Christianity is very rarely acknowledged. your tweets are refreshing!
Ms. Lyssa
fabglance1 @MCHammer Yes, free will is God's gift to mankind! Too bad it was perverted by man. We still have choice to do the right thing.
Stefania P. Butler
CityMama Icon_red_lock @MCHammer is bringing it. again. I love it when you work out your mind on twitter!

1 comment:

Danna Crawford said...

Brilliant idea to post the tweets to a blog! Love it!