Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Homeless : MC Hammer featuring Andre Williams


Anonymous said...

The song is right on time. Hammer, tell my old friend, Andre Williams you guys are really making it happen. God Bless you both for producing this wonderful song. All praise to our King, Jesus

Malcolm Graves

Flavio da Rocha Maidl said...

Greetings from Brasil Mc Hammer. I was a DJ till some years ago and your music I always played in the Club I was DJ. I Would love to share experiencies I had and I have with god after I became I Learned to live to Jesus. If you are interested in a Brasilian friend, I wait you email to , I know you are a celebrity but if god touch your heart to contact me, i would love it. God bless you. I wait your email !

sparkle Entertainment said...

You know this is going to be the song of the decade, can't wait til Obama see's it,time for change. Sparkle Entertainment

Anonymous said...

центристский электрошокер в поход.

Davenz said...

Thanks for the good blog..

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