Monday, February 19, 2007

All American Breakfast For Presidents Day

Jeremiah (my middle son) 9 years old and I enjoy a Father Son breakfast
for Presidents Day. While I pray for the Troops safe and swift return
and disagree with my Commander And Chief on strategy, I lift him up in
prayer and support the War On Terror. His job is not an easy one. Being
critical is easy. Requires no real effort at all. I pray for his
strength, health and peace of mind. I pray for his heart, that his heart
is warm towards life and sensitive towards the pain and lost of life by
his word, in the cause of freedom and democracy.

We are living in the most unique period in the history of the world.
World War 3 looms. The earth is sick and soon will begin to release and
pass it's pain in the form of quakes, floods, hurricanes, eruptions and evil winds and storms like never before seen and in non historical places. On this day while we celebrate
Presidents Day, and others posture to become the next President, one must
remember, the job will become much tougher in the years to come. Temper
your ambitions with compassion.

(No spell checks)
From my sidekick


My Agapic Life said...

I also pray for a swfit return for the troops and also disagree with our President's strategy.

I'm confused however, why do you support the war on terrorism?

ddsNorth said...

Nice to see sons and fathers have their moment..

with loving kindness,

Joel Esler said...

That would be "Commander IN Chief"

BFriday said...

Mr. Burrell, My name is Beverly Friday,I'm from Texas. I sent you a very important email to your gmail account on Wednesday 2/21/07 concerning a missing family member of mine in Tracy, who is away from his son because he is missing. Please read the email and when you get a moment, will you please respond or call? Thanks,

Ed de Blieck said...

Dude - I can hear the arteries scream from here.

Dossy Shiobara said...

Hammer, your positive attitude and spirit are truly amazing. You are indeed blessed in many ways and you are gifted with the ability to share it with others.

Unknown said...

It's nice seeing people who will pray for the president even when they disagree with what he may be doing. I stand on the same school of thought as you, I have people all the time though say they can't pray for someone they don't support.

95377_guy said...

Mmmmm, Nations Giant breakfast. The best. I haven't been there in a while.

95377_guy said...
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