Things in common. All three of these are eye openers. You finish the rest... tell me what they represent you. --Hammertime From my sidekick
What the Bible means to me: It is definitely the guide to life and to all situations that we find ourselves in. Just follow the word and you can clearly see alot of things coming to pass. The bible is my strength and encouragement to keeping the faith.
I drink coffee only when I'm cold and I don't read the Wall Street Journal, but I do keep up with the news from my local newspaper though.
But the other thing that gets me going on a daily basis is some great music by some great artists, that usually get me started on my way!
We go about our daily activities without really ever noticing the little things around us so thanks 4 the reflection, Hammer!
The bible opens my eyes to my spiritual responsibilites. It is a book of laws that we can not keep. It is a book of love that we do not deserve. It is a book of hope that keeps us going when we do not want to. It shows us how to live.
The WSJ helps you keep your eyes on your finances, and as men of God who have (or hope to have) families to care for, we need to read it to be good stewards of our "talents". Although I will admit that it's often times more information than I know how to take in.
Coffee is what I need to keep my eyes open and myself mentaly awake through my reading/speaking times with the Lord in the morning, so that I can be alert enough to see what God has to teach me. As someone still living in a largely college town, coffee shops are where I came to know the Lord's word, and where I have been built into and built into the lives of those Christians around me. Coffee represents a lot to me.
What the Bible means to me: It is definitely the guide to life and to all situations that we find ourselves in. Just follow the word and you can clearly see alot of things coming to pass. The bible is my strength and encouragement to keeping the faith.
I drink coffee only when I'm cold and I don't read the Wall Street Journal, but I do keep up with the news from my local newspaper though.
But the other thing that gets me going on a daily basis is some great music by some great artists, that usually get me started on my way!
We go about our daily activities without really ever noticing the little things around us so thanks 4 the reflection, Hammer!
They represent a good way to start your day with, by reading each while drinking your morning coffee.
The bible opens my eyes to my spiritual responsibilites. It is a book of laws that we can not keep. It is a book of love that we do not deserve. It is a book of hope that keeps us going when we do not want to. It shows us how to live.
The WSJ helps you keep your eyes on your finances, and as men of God who have (or hope to have) families to care for, we need to read it to be good stewards of our "talents". Although I will admit that it's often times more information than I know how to take in.
Coffee is what I need to keep my eyes open and myself mentaly awake through my reading/speaking times with the Lord in the morning, so that I can be alert enough to see what God has to teach me. As someone still living in a largely college town, coffee shops are where I came to know the Lord's word, and where I have been built into and built into the lives of those Christians around me. Coffee represents a lot to me.
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