Sunday, February 22, 2009

Blast24: " I Am's...Has Beens ....Never Was"

  1. Suzanne Lainsonslainson @MCHammer With musicians it's the "never was." Many think the world has been against them. They blame others for what they don't have.
  2. Tyson Goodridgegoodridge @mchammer- keep up the good work- you were good on ABC News
  3. Joshua Fruhlingerfruhlinger @MCHammer what about the "don't care?" :)
  4. RyanMaginRyanMagin @MCHammer I'd say the never was they couldn't even prove themselves I'd be pissed LOL
  5. Wesley Gerrardwezg @MCHammer It's great to see you up online. I grew up with your songs. I was wondering what you thought of house music?
  7. Steven CooperAscendant @MCHammer i would have to say The "Never Was" group honestly. at least I've met my goals and am doing what i love for a living, they haven't
  8. Andy Wilczakdrewzak @MCHammer T'was better to have loved and lost than never loved at all--1) never was 2) has been 3) I am
  9. Scott Orthscottorth @mchammer the "has Beens" cause they know what they're missing
  10. Ari Herzogariherzog @mchammer RT @adamcohen: BREAKING NEWS #Caroline has been found alive, with family heading to hospital - direct from godparents Please RT!
  11. KismetBTRKismetBTR @MCHammer I am a person not a category!
  12. Jan MastersJanMasters @MCHammer wasn't there but thinking "Has beens". What do you say?
  13. DavidPolitisDavidPolitis @MCHammer Dude. Are you really coming to Utah for a concert with Vanilla Ice? That's cool.
  14. Chanel BOOGiECcRydah @MCHammer has beens!
  15. Yam Dtyamdm @MCHammer Has Beens. Imo.
  16. necolebitchienecolebitchie @MCHammer the has beens...i'd be more angry if i was a "has been" than if i was a "never was". you can't miss something you never
  17. Ravenxennyeh @MCHammer has beens
  18. mazziemazzie @mchammer hard to choose between "Has Beens" and "Never Was" because neither embraces what is.
  19. kayce_mkayce_m @MCHammer i'd say the "never was"... the "i ams" are vain & the "has beens" are bitter... straight anger can only come from not trying.
  20. danny blainedannyblaine @MCHammer the economically suppressed.

Updates beginning with @MCHammer

  1.  iStone _iStone_ @MCHammer Yeah, but Jesus puts us in the "I Am" family permanently. ;)
  2. Louis Velazquezlouisvelazquez @MCHammer its called what have you done for me lately, bottomline, you know better than most my friend
  3. Michael KeefeMichael_Keefe @MCHammer He becomes another casualty of out throwaway society...It's sad
  4. BranDeeMarieBranDeeMarie @MCHammer saw u on the Memphis news! U rawk!!!
  5. Janet KinosianSTWBYF4 @MCHammer don't know about most angry, but most stressed and discontented in the moment are usually the 'i ams.'
  6. Ann Marie CoppinCityGal646 @McHammer: I'm an i am, and not angry. The difference is whether or not the "I AMs" capitalize the i am or don't. My tatt is an "i am."
  7. rcallabyrcallaby @McHammer probably the "Has Beens" since they have experienced fame and want it back but cannot figure out how
  8. Melissa FrancisMelissaFrancis @MCHammer has beens...because they've had their moment already. The 'never was' still have a chance to be an "i am"
  9. Tyson Goodridgegoodridge @MCHammer that teen girl you tweeted about (#caroline) has been found alive- retweeting @adamcohen..
  10. Leighann Wilsonpasquale39 @MCHammer the I Am's for sure! They are so mean
  11. Pleasure EllisPleasureellis @MCHammer The Never was are the most angriest hammer. but u dont have ever worry about that haha lol
  12. Chris Withrowcdubb2424 @MCHammer i'd say the never was, cuz they're still in their mamas crib talking about how they used to run with the "I am" or "has been"
  13. Harry Jacksondirtydoes @MCHammer have to the never was... easily - the other two have an accomplishment to bask in
  14. Bigsho222Bigsho222 @MCHammer Never was group is filled wirh the most haters1
  15. Andy Wilczakdrewzak @MCHammer Because anger takes root when we don't have a purpose, or can't find a path to our perceived goals.
  16. LoriMorenoLoriMoreno @MCHammer MC, it doesn't matter I am, I was, I'm all that.. LOL It's where are you NOW. What will You Do with NOW, this miraculous second!
  17. _yoyo_yoyo Icon_lock @MCHammer I AM'S
  18. sherry graysherisaid @MCHammer Never Was is angry. Has Been is sad/nostalgic. I Am is arrogant. (generally speaking)
  19. Bêbernardo0 @MCHammer "Has Beens" there's a fact! they live in the past, the "Never Was" don't care about the past..
  20. Debradebroby @MCHammer My guess would be the "has beens".

Updates beginning with @MCHammer

  1. J7 of the Rat PakJ7isthe818 @MCHammer football also has the shortest memory and shortest life span of ALL professional sports
  2. scottsummitscottsummit @MCHammer - You never know, "Has Been" might again.
  3. zion3lionzion3lion @MCHammer Has Beens I think are definitely the angriest
  4. djimperialdjimperial @MCHammer The "I am's" cuz they feel there owed respect
  5. Hilary ParmentierHilaryParm @MCHammer I would think he would still be an I am for a little while.
  6. MyMassAppealMyMassAppeal Icon_lock @MCHammer all are equally angry. My rationale is that people are never happy.
  7. Sal Baldovinosmayhemchaos @mchammer just hit the speakers! Great pix this wedding
  8. Miss Kolamisskola Icon_lock @MCHammer its a few "I am's" that's angry. I guess it all depends on the person within and if u can deal with either "having" or "had"
  9. atomsoundatomsound @MCHammer Iam's must be successful based on their love-affirmation from above or it all rusts anyways, i would say.
  10. Meghan HarveyMeghan1018 @MCHammer It's the never ending cycle my friend.
  11. Deborah Ridolfodeestbie @MCHammer Tough one because facing oneself is hard in any category. Probably "Never Was" is the most angry because they never tried.
  12. _yoyo_yoyo Icon_lock @MCHammer exactly
  13. Michelle Mullinmichellemullin @MCHammer depends if you were a "never was" who was trying to be a someone, otherwise the "Has beens"
  14. Steven CooperAscendant @MCHammer see... i wouldn't agree with that... it's all in how you see yourself. More than likely he's still doing what he loves.
  15. Denise SarpongMsPcTrainer @MCHammer The "Has Beens", because they had a tast of money, power and fame and lost it
  16. Meghan HarveyMeghan1018 @MCHammer Are we ever meant to keep 1 label for any length of time? Aren't we all just constantly going from Never was to I am to Has Been?
  17. Christi ThompsonBlissIsMine @MCHammer I honestly still believe the Never was group are more angry, failure directly involved
  18. Scott Orthscottorth @mchammer yet the very next season he may be an "I am" again
  19. NowVoyager777NowVoyager777 @MCHammer I suppose that the angriest grp are those who nvr made it. They have a Blvd. of broken dreams on which to ride.
  20. AbenadivaAbenadiva @MCHammer the has beens are the most angry... Just look at the GOP!

Updates beginning with @MCHammer

  1. Hilary ParmentierHilaryParm @MCHammer That's just sad...the kid will realize it sooner than later
  2. Steven CooperAscendant @MCHammer oops... meant category :P
  3. Gillian McGovern GillMe @MCHammer lol hammer... sometimes u hav 2 big urself up 4 ur kids... xxx
  4. Gerri Elderabsolutelytrue @MCHammer I don't understand why we have to label people. We all have success and disappointments both professionally and personally.
  5. sherry graysherisaid @MCHammer My daughter went to school with Keith Rivers. didn't really know him or anything..
  6. allovertheplaceallovertheplace @mchammer I still say has beens....never weres are bitter but don't the feeling to have and lose. Has beens do. They r angry.
  7. jkupetzjkupetz @MCHammer the "never was" is the angriest...why else would you lie to your son?
  8. Steven CooperAscendant @MCHammer lol... then the father is a wanna-be.... completely different categoy
  9. ROBERT JONESBLKROCKET @MCHammer Among the most famous name in history R those that never got $ & fame 4 their work at least not as they lived
  10. Adam ThornTheRealRiot @MCHammer hmmm the never was does sound worse, but think the difference between a happy never was and a jealous never was
  11. Deborah Ridolfodeestbie @MCHammer Maybe not in his own eyes though. In societies eyes. If he were a true "I Am" then what society thought wouldn't break his spirit.
  12. rcallabyrcallaby @McHammer so then the man on the couch is in the "Never Was" category then
  13. MeliMeliMeliMelMeliMeli @MCHammer a person who stands in their own, on their own is a rarity
  14. Stan ChangStanChang @MCHammer the I am's are the most angry.
  15. jtenchjtench @MCHammer I think it may be a state of mind.
  16. SocialMtgExpertSocialMtgExpert @MCHammer missed one...the "Coulda beens" They see what they missed and feel the pain of what coulda been
  17. frankgentel @MCHammer i love it that the music isnt selling ,because now the talent is what is going to dominate . at least realiy is being restored.
  18. Hilary ParmentierHilaryParm @MCHammer To me, "has beens" are one hit wonders from decades past...what do you think?
  19. MeLa MachinkoMeLaMachinko @MCHammer prolly the has beens cuz u can't miss what u never had
  20. Ameena Meertakeoutcreative @MCHammer i'd say it's a toss-up btw I AMs & HAS BEENs. like the way, pretty women are the most critical of their own looks.

Updates beginning with @MCHammer

  1. djimperialdjimperial @MCHammer true but that regret can fade the I am would be the maddest cuz if he/she doesnt perform higher tha expected he no longer is I am
  2. Rodney BlackwellCircleR Icon_lock @MCHammer I would say the "has been" might be the most angry because he truly knows what he lost. Depends on the man though
  3. Karl LeRayhogbiker @MCHammer The sad truth to that is what happens if/when his son finds out the real deal (shaking head).
  4. ROBERT JONESBLKROCKET @MCHammer I think Obama reminds us that the heroic can mean parents that do great with little if their kids add value to us all
  5. Ehsawn FeizEhsawnfeiz @MCHammer hello follow me please
  6. Shelley B.sweetcherrypop @MCHammer Love your baggy trousers, where are they.
  7. nyg10nyg10 @MCHammer "NO" group should be angry! cause every-day you wake up is a gift from GOD!..
  8. Justyngonaturalbaby @MCHammer I think the "has beens" , my dad used to say, "it's not what you have, but what you're used to"
  9. Dean Terrytherefore @MCHammer and that set up the son for the same sort of failure.
  10. Jomar-Jay P. Abelanursewizard @MCHammer I think the most angry ones are the has beens. They are angry with themselves.
  11. BillBateman1BillBateman1 @MCHammer they are all as angry as they choose to be. Way too much time wasted on that angry thing ya know.
  12. T. is for TruthTisforTruth @MCHammer Hammer seems to think a lot. I like that. :-)
  13. djimperialdjimperial @MCHammer still the only group that woul rival the I am's is the never beens but the greed is what puts the I am's on top
  14. Duane V. ElseyDEDADDY1 @MCHammer people who make the statements are the angry ones. In sports the average announcer talks as they can do it better job.
  15. Shawn Roweshawnrowe @MCHammer I say they are both angry. I'm angry cause I used to dance like you. I never got a dime.
  16. Gary Pick -Connectusconnectus @MCHammer HammerTime - reality show - That might be your best idea yet. When you are going to get back to your roots - sports commentary?
  17. Christi ThompsonBlissIsMine @MCHammer "Never Was" lies come from jealousy, jealousy comes from anger
  18. Deborah Ridolfodeestbie @MCHammer The man on the couch "Never Was" even if society thought he was at one time because he didn't believe in himself.
  19. scottsummitscottsummit @MCHammer - The "Never Was" group is the most angry because they wade in a sea of regret that crashes down on them on a daily basis.
  20. bluecinemabluecinema @MCHammer The answer very clearly is Has Beens. To have been there and lost it, spending the rest of one's life mired in bitter regret.

Updates beginning with @MCHammer

  1. natethreepoint0natethreepoint0 @MCHammer I don't see the "Never Was" as being angry. I see it as an improper emote of "disappointment."
  2. djimperialdjimperial @MCHammer yeah but the I ams are mad only cuz everything is expected of them and pressure can crumble the strongest man/woman
  3. Peter CloughCPeterC @MCHammer to expand the theme I propose that "Second Acters" are most grateful and appreciative.
  4. Ann Marie CoppinCityGal646 @MCHammer RT @allovertheplace the has beens tend to concentrate on getting it back so they have less time to be angry.
  5. Susan JacobsenLUV2XLPR @MCHammer The man who lies is ashamed. Self loathing leads to anger.
  6. Andy Wilczakdrewzak @MCHammer Those who have achieved can teach more than the sea of those who have not--"the error of my ways" strikes a different chord.
  7. deathclock404deathclock404 @mchammer: i think it's a completely seperate category that is angriest-the almost was. These people spend their entire lives thinking a ...
  8. George T. StraughterBishopGTS @MCHammer the answer is the has beens because the failed to reinvent themselves and evolving with time.
  9. Given Campbellgivencampbell @MCHammer probably the Never Was much good talent gets overlooked, I'd be angry too
  10. tdzarlingtdzarling @MCHammer I would think the Has Beens have more case to be bitter/angry. They had "it" once, now they don't. If they wallow, they get angry
  11. Tiesha StarrOhSoDivalish @MCHammer How is your son doing?
  12. thebrownwayBenin @MCHammer: Found you through @MrTweet. Remember how you revolutionized dance and think you are still the world pre-iminent dance authority!
  13. Victor Nobregalordvito121 @MCHammer so how do we as a society define success?
  14. Daqauri BlackQueen_Penelope @MCHammer "never was" will always regret, regret leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate is all consuming n can destroy someones soul
  15. ValentinaValentinaVH Icon_lock @MCHammer the NeverWas/Am's would say the HasBeens bc they let it slip away. The NeverWas' don't know what they missed, so why be angry?
  16. Miss Kolamisskola Icon_lock @MCHammer "I am's"=never satisfied, "has been"=bitter,"neverwas" = hater.. final answer
  17. John MillerMonkeyDeLaCode @MCHammer The sad thing is a "never was" is an "I am" at something, just not what they want to be an "I am" in (hope that makes sense).
  18. zimmer.z1mm3r @MCHammer all 3, because they spend their lifes being compared by MC Hammer.
  19. Christina Mellottcatttaylor @MCHammer The "never was" is probably angriest. There's also the high school "has been" who's really a "never was"
  20. Leonard Cristlennycrist @mchammer is blowing up my twitter tonight. Music hits him so hard.

Updates beginning with @MCHammer

  1. Dominique AndersonVIDAPR @mchammer I'm voting "never was" b/c they will buy chrysler 300s and fix them up like a rolls, spend all of their $ to look important
  2. HibippyteaHibippytea @MCHammer that is so true-)
  3. Terricatishygirl @MCHammer I'd say it depends on which GROUP of Has Beens. There are those who live in the past, and those that work to build their future.
  4. natethreepoint0natethreepoint0 @MCHammer To answer the question though, I would say the most angry would be the one who has lost sense of self. All three could fit the MO
  5. Evie the evil Evelyn2emc @MCHammer I am can withstand any thing ... I am just is :-) Down ... LOL!!! Thank You :-) Not sure where your I am's are now, hope well.
  6. Bali_chrisBali_chris @MCHammer"never was""has been"" I am" all labels that depend on the size of the pool you are in at the time. "never was" small pool ="I am"
  7. Exclusive5starhiphopExc1 @MCHammer 2 legit to twit huh
  8. DJ Espeedjespee @MCHammer I just found some classics!
  9. Jomar-Jay P. Abelanursewizard @MCHammer It surely is the Has beens 'coz they got a taste of the good life but they let it past them.
  10. Hilary ParmentierHilaryParm @MCHammer I agree...that might also be the fear of the shoulda, woulda, couldas too
  11. sherry graysherisaid @MCHammer no way. I AM never thinks he will fall. He's arrogant.
  12. Jamiejjensenii @MCHammer I think the "never was"'s are, but it's a state of mind. What do they think of themselves? That's the key.
  13. Fahmad Parvaizvaiz_theavanti @MCHammer have beens cry them selves to sleep everynight
  14. heather gaffneylightfromheaven @MCHammer I heard you are doing a show at the Kalahari Resort in Wisconsin Dells soon. Have you ever heard of A Course in Miracles.
  15. NowVoyager777NowVoyager777 @MCHammer the Has-Been has heard the roar of the crowd, had the adoration, the $. NvrWs feels he was better & nvr got a chance. He's Bitter
  16. KismetBTRKismetBTR @MCHammer An I AM is a state of mind.
  17. Bob Schwarzbetatime @MCHammer I'd say the I am's are the most angry. Once you are "it" that's all there is. Only way to go is down and that will angry anyone.
  18. NochipraNochipra @MCHammer At least has beens have had the great experience in their lives and can look back, but never were's have nothing but regret
  19. JackPlaceJackPlace @MCHammer Hey Hammer! Greetings from NH!
  20. Christy Bella Joinerchristybella @MCHammer hey you-i agree, your right...what do you think of joaquin

Updates beginning with @MCHammer

  1. deathclock404deathclock404 @mchammer: am means current, means now. Those who are embody what they want to be or are on the path towards their peak. Was have reache ...
  2. kayce_mkayce_m @MCHammer "am" can depend on the person, but in today's culture tends to mean you got what you see ppl on tv have: money, fame, car, etc.
  3. C. Davis SSGDavisC @MCHammer Not too rudely jump in, BUT I agree with you on the I AM's. Better too never know then to have once only to not have later
  4. John MillerMonkeyDeLaCode @MCHammer The place you want to be, self-actualized. At one with what is most important to you.
  5. Scott Orthscottorth @mchammer "am" means you're currently living your dream. You've succeeded & r currently "in the light"
  6. Salvador Inocensio sinocensio @MCHammer Has beens are the angry ones. I ams sing, "I am Somebody..." Never weres, live life relaxed, in their own oblivion, sing, "What if
  7. Chanel BOOGiECcRydah @MCHammer ..can't get it back. on the surreal life a lot of the "has beens" are angry.not all but alot
  8. sherry graysherisaid @MCHammer In this context, I'd define "Am" as top of the game....a star.
  9. Gerri Elderabsolutelytrue @MCHammer There is only 1 group - the "AMs" - We all are somewhere in our lives and everyone matters.
  10. Jamiejjensenii @MCHammer I think an "I Am" should mean someone who knows who they are and is happy with it.
  11. Chanel BOOGiECcRydah @MCHammer ..can't get it back. on the surreal life a lot of the "has beens" are angry
  12. zimmer.z1mm3r @MCHammer old-timey radio. also, the power chord involving the 4th fret on E and 6th fret on A
  13. Dominique AndersonVIDAPR @mchammer ...and they're the saddest b/c they are usually mean & nasty to mask thei bitter jealousy
  14. NochipraNochipra @MCHammer Yeah but once your "it" why be angry? You don't know if it will be going downhill from that point or not?
  15. allovertheplaceallovertheplace @mchammer presently being
  16. scottsummitscottsummit @MCHammer - Thanks for the RT. I will mail one of my shirts to your office. Which design would you like?
  17. Maetilde_ @MCHammer shut the hell up omg
  18. Melissa Leemassivemelissa @MCHammer the Has Been. Check out Confessions of a Teen Idol VH1
  19. Evie the evil Evelyn2emc @MCHammer being :-)
  20. Chanel BOOGiECcRydah @MCHammer the has beens remember wen they use to b convo worthy knowing that they aren't anymore makes them try harder then angry wen they..

Updates beginning with @MCHammer

  1. Tony Ferreiraooe @MCHammer am does not exist. nobody is satisfied with what they are. we all have room to grow.
  2. xochitl!reinaxochitl Icon_lock @MCHammer Everything you say always sounds so insightful. I wish I was more like you.
  3. scottsummitscottsummit @MCHammer - The "I Am" group is self-fulfilled and feel validated by the world.
  4. Evie the evil Evelyn2emc @MCHammer LOL!!! read the thread :-) I am's are still *being* never were's :-( and has been??? LOL!!! dumb arse get back to the I am :-)
  5. Deborah Ridolfodeestbie @MCHammer I think it means I AM at one with my creator.
  6. ErinnShaughnessErinnShaughness @MCHammer lol. Congrats, you just picked the hardest word to find a definition for. :D those two little letters can be so tricky.
  7. Justin BurnsMahouKame @MCHammer Present tense conjugation of "Be" Substitute am with be for a more colloquial sound without changing the essence of the phrase. :)
  8. Annette Broyannettebroy @MCHammer I believe the never was is the most angry-they are mad at everyone else who at least had the guts to attempt
  9. Tom Kempstertomkempster @MCHammer I disagree, the I Am's are referring to their own accomplishments. If someone believed in themselves, how could they be angry?
  10. Tami ParringtonTParrington @MCHammer Yeah but the hasbeens are angry because they want so bad to be where they were
  11. ✰Captain Jack✰captainjack63 @MCHammer Thanks for recording the song Socialize. Keep up the great work your doing.
  12. NochipraNochipra @MCHammer True? The Am could be anything? Some careers can have a peak where others could stay/get better?
  13. PearceKilgourPearceKilgour @MCHammer AM = current state of being, and not willing to change? But, I AM a Dad.
  14. Kelly LeighAngelinWaiting @MCHammer Wow this is getting deep...and it is`GOOD.
  15. Mike DoubleyouFaShizy @MCHammer means to be always relevent
  16. Ann Marie CoppinCityGal646 @MCHammer The State of Being
  17. Jomar-Jay P. Abelanursewizard @MCHammer a linking verb. showing the current status, condition or doings of the person. Example: I am on twitter.
  18. Pleasure EllisPleasureellis @MCHammer 09 Super Bowl Commerical, Hammertime App., Fullblast music, Dancejam, Hammertime reality show on A&E. Man u is a IAM for reals!!
  19. beanievillebeanieville @MCHammer That's a very profound question. Great job.
  20. ethicalernieethicalernie @MCHammer So do the I am's perceive themselves as God Like?

Updates beginning with @MCHammer

  1. John MillerMonkeyDeLaCode @MCHammer If that is the case, that is the kind of "never was" I am happy to be.
  2. KismetBTRKismetBTR @MCHammer Find some better friends dude.
  3. Rick YaegerRickMacMerc @MCHammer I'd agree with you, but I might only be proving your point
  4. Scott Orthscottorth @MCHammer I can only image how boring life would become at that "am" level
  5. Dan JonesHawkes006 @mchammer "Never was" is angriest, goes along the lines of "Better to have loved and lost then never to have loved at all"
  6. NochipraNochipra @MCHammer Each person in each group would have a different perspective, so you can't really say that every1 in a group would feel the same
  7. Bob Schwarzbetatime @MCHammer an "I am" can be an "I was", but can never be a "never was" so Am must be a first person singular.
  8. ItsDawnsItsDawns @MCHammer i dont think you can have a most angry group,, there are glass 1/2 full glass 1/2 empty people in all of them equally i reckon :)
  9. Dre (Marketing/PR)ladre09 @MCHammer whats been up bro, longtime no c since the DeathRow Dayz
  10. Paula Lynn CooperMrsMcGwire @MCHammer That's great news! Thanks for the update!
  11. George Butler, IIIgrumpyjanitor @MCHammer Anybody found my brain?
  12. Susan JacobsenLUV2XLPR @MCHammer “Every day I think about where I come from and I ‘am’ still proud to be who I ‘am’” -Zidane, Zinedine Def. content w/who you are...
  13. Ann-Marieamsong @MCHammer "I am"s are in the zone, they're cool, "never was" = apathy, most angry group is the "has beens" - they know what they are missing
  14. Jeremy ShelledyJknowsbest @MCHammer I believe never beens because pain is temporary regret last forever. Jeff Bezos calls it regret minimization factor.
  15. Hilary ParmentierHilaryParm @MCHammer still in the process of being great?
  16. Kenneth Barrowkennethbarrow @MCHammer It means they have achieved their goals and are content with what they have. Money, Personal Success or Respect.
  17. Ann-Marieamsong @MCHammer "am" = "to be" and is the state of not just "being", but being who you truly are and who you truly know yourself as.. in truth
  18. BrentMcGuireBrentMcGuire @MCHammer I just watched James Brown set you on fire.. Apparently because you were Too Legit to Quit.
  19. VictorSlick17VictorSlick17 @MCHammer early morning sir Mr Hammer
  20. Jose | 3030FM.COMjose3030 @mchammer missing teen was found.

Updates beginning with @MCHammer

  1. Miss Kolamisskola Icon_lock @MCHammer I.E Micheal Jackson
  2. leojeanetteleojeanette @MCHammer the 'never was' is the person singing there shoulda coulda wouldas' about the lotto winners who lost their fortune.
  3. Chris Cirillochriscirillo @MCHammer You should release another album. Have you thought about it?
  4. Greek foodgreekfood @MCHammer That is when the weight-bearing spirit needs to retreat into its desert and transform itself into a lion. Lion of Zion, a la Bob M
  5. atomsoundatomsound @MCHammer you must truly know the depths of this... and yet whereever we are on the "richter" scale of impact... "not I but Christ" is key.
  6. Bob Schwarzbetatime @MCHammer I believe once an "Am" always an "Am" if you are there for a while. People don't forget.
  7. blendamericablendamerica @MCHammer It is pure awareness, prior to thoughts, free from perceptions, associations, memories.
  8. Nic Baisleynbaisley @MCHammer But I get your meaning
  9. MsLFavoriteMsLfavorite Icon_lock @MCHammer WOW! i like that.. Never heard it put that way before
  10. Nic Baisleynbaisley @MCHammer Not sure how I feel about the term "common touch"
  11. blendamericablendamerica @MCHammer I am that I am, though it more literally translates as "I-shall-be that I-shall-be."
  12. KismetBTRKismetBTR @MCHammer You allow that to happen. You can also make it stop. Dump the ass kissers. Get some questioners in your world.
  13. Wes Daviswessa @MCHammer can't be a real "Am" if that is the experience. Society has created a lot of false 'Am's'.
  14. Kenneth Barrowkennethbarrow @MCHammer Thats the Public Am I was speaking in the personal AM sense.
  15. Daniel Volovikdimachka @MCHammer that was very interesting to hear coming from you, thanks.
  16. Tami ParringtonTParrington @MCHammer That really drives the point home. It seems like a good place to be -- when you're not there, but hell when you are.
  17. Monamonamade @MCHammer not everyone, keep pruning the weeds
  18. Scott Orthscottorth @MCHammer Some may love it. I prefer the reality of life; pain, love, glory, humbleness. whatever God throws at me to make live an adventure
  19. xdeborahxxdeborahx @MCHammer preach it brother lol
  20. Ann-Marieamsong @MCHammer I would say that is not the state of "I am" then... it is the illusion of something... but I missed the original group definitions

Updates beginning with @MCHammer

  1. LeeAnnTaylorLeeAnnTaylor @MCHammer That is so sad, but very true.
  2. leojeanetteleojeanette @MCHammer When the 'I am' becomes a 'has been' the other 'never was' has no sym'thy
  3. Michelle Pricemeprice79 @MCHammer What does "Am" stand for?
  4. leojeanetteleojeanette @MCHammer the 'I am' is the lotto winner that forgot what it was like to be a 'never was'.
  5. Ann-Marieamsong @MCHammer It is surprising how inauthentic the interactions of most people really are... not just the I Am's -- everyone is in pain, alone
  6. blendamericablendamerica @MCHammer depending on the viewers perception of his or hers reality, one cannot judge and claim a universal perception to the I AM
  7. Given Campbellgivencampbell @MCHammer where did they find her?
  8. NochipraNochipra @MCHammer If there's a will, then there is a way. People make their own happiness & if ur not then who's fault is that?
  9. Ramona Andreacchitwitt_appeal @MCHammer - The I AM's are the happiest. Personally, I am because I AM is within me therefore I am all things through HIM, the I AM. (smile)
  10. NochipraNochipra @MCHammer Even if I Am's are angry about the situation bc of "fake" people around them then that can be changed too.
  11. Kyle Heinekyleheine @MCHammer it's tough being Bobby Brown, to be Bobby then you have to be Bobby now
  12. RebekahRobinsonRebekahRobinson @MCHammer I really enjoy the topics you choose to tweet about! Makes me think about my own life very frequently! Thx :-)
  13. NochipraNochipra @MCHammer Any experience you have/had is what make you the person you are today, so why would they be angry bout it?Just make best of today
  14. Greek foodgreekfood @MCHammer Are you the mouth for these ears? Can u thank the sun each morn for its tireless course? Are u the sacrifice or the one redeemed?
  15. Amber Buttsamberbutts @MCHammer that's deep...and very relevant
  16. Lynn Millerorganicmania @MCHammer So cool to hear you spoke at HBS. It's an amazing place, isn't it? Congrats!
  17. HaleyHaley_Jane @MCHammer I am what I am.
  18. Randy Bedfordrwbedford @MChammer i think the have befor suffer the most. Especially the ridicule they sometimes get when they try to do something completly dif ...
  19. Ann-Marieamsong @MCHammer I guess when you say "I am", I think of that as "I have" -- sorry, I was speaking about something else. Yes, that would suck!
  20. Kevin Pennkmpkid3 @mchammer fanta fanta

Updates beginning with @MCHammer

  1. jrzeegrljrzeegrl @MCHammer Playing rockband and we have all decieded we need your stuff on here!! Save us Hammer save us!
  2. nyg10nyg10 @MCHammer ooooh boy..
  3. Eric Rothweilerrothweiler @MCHammer Gotta be a HAS BEEN to understand that you can't do it by yourself! So a HAS BEEN that learned from it has lots of potential.
  4. Ann Marie CoppinCityGal646 @McHammer "i am" is according to Maharaj,Is pure awareness, prior to thoughts, free from perceptions, associations, memories.
  5. leojeanetteleojeanette @MCHammer for example, I don't care about Riannas photos being leaked. That $ coulda saved s'bodys home. she wasn't gonna help at all.
  6. Matt ParkerShinyDisco @MCHammer compassion from an I Am is like one lifeboat by the Titanic- make yourself too accessible and people will mob it till it sinks.
  7. ryne_drizzleryne_drizzle @MCHammer I must say, that was beautiful sir
  8. C.HooksOfficialCHooks @MCHammer I feel like Im stuck in the middle of life's intersection confused on which way to go. How do I overcome this?
  9. Matt ParkerShinyDisco @MCHammer S. Stone: "My paycheck's only $1mil -the other $9 mil's for sacrificing my privacy." I Am wants to be the Never Was & vice versa.
  10. leojeanetteleojeanette @MCHammer I AMs reject compassion which is why 'never was' are careless/elated about their downfall.
  11. Andrew JohnsonTechzen @MCHammer He is a "has been" if he drops 9+ more in the endzone the second season.
  12. Ann-Marieamsong @MCHammer I Am's have a huge temptation to place 100% self-worth in the hand of others/ strangers. Vulnerable = approval can be removed
  13. Matt Ruppmattrupp @MCHammer Couldn't agree with you more. It is we that makes US human, not I.
  14. drunkenstepfatherdrunkstepfather @MCHammer you save lives hammer. For serious
  15. leojeanetteleojeanette @MCHammer I would rather die enormous than live dormant. To once be totally happy at ONE time is greater than living miserable
  16. Wes Daviswessa @MCHammer in other words "U can't touch this"
  17. Greek foodgreekfood @MCHammer Say, do you like Greek food? A favourite dish perhaps? I'll make it special for the Hammer. Authentic stuff too.
  18. Kyle W Keithkylewkeith @mchammer You're an incredible speaker. We need to talk to each other on a higher level. This is important. See this is important. im me +
  19. r bernalrbernaltx @MCHammer JOY, Jesus, Others, You.
  20. Evie the evil Evelyn2emc @MCHammer ~ why reject compassion?

Updates beginning with @MCHammer

  1. Sean GarrettNelstin @MCHammer There are 2 kinds of never was in my book. Thowse who were loved by friends and family, but felt they never achived anything.
  2. blendamericablendamerica @MCHammer the Was sceptre' - symbol of power and dominion
  3. Ann-Marieamsong @MCHammer Someone who has no hope and is full of apathy and playing life really really safe. Not gonna rock the boat, no one will notice em
  4. Gen Whitmorelittletales @MCHammer I find that 'Never Was' is the angriest. 'Has Been' had something to be proud of. Never Was hate reminders they never tried.
  5. blendamericablendamerica @MCHammer negation or not is an operation on logical values
  6. Zeno Joneszenojones @mchammer there never was therefore there never will be
  7. leojeanetteleojeanette @MCHammer the never was is the one who ALMOST got this or ALMOST landed that but never got it. Decades of hard work but no pay off.
  8. Tony Ferreiraooe @MCHammer never was is an about to be that has lost hope.
  9. John MillerMonkeyDeLaCode @MCHammer Never Was: someone that tried and failed--and can't get past it to live in the present. Lives in a fantasy past.
  10. AlexCondeAlexConde @MCHammer I think a "never was" is someone who inflates their past. Taking a moment to rest on laurels is one thing, living a lie is another
  11. David Mefforddavidmefford @mchammer better defined as someone who shoots for nothing and hits it every time
  12. MsLFavoriteMsLfavorite Icon_lock @MCHammer Was'nt there to begin with. Dont exist or never did exist. Am i right?.. lol
  13. Matias Cavallincavallin @MCHammer those who never made it must wonder what coud have been. And might question if they squandered their talent
  14. uniquewomenuniquewomen @MCHammer "never will be"
  15. Matias Cavallincavallin @MCHammer "has beens" can at least say they got there. Similar to: "its better to have loved and lost than to never had loved at all.
  16. leojeanetteleojeanette @MCHammer "Ams" get lost in there status and are content with 'yes men'. Any1 who opposes their wrongs are the enemy and out to get them.
  17. PhiyaPhiya @MCHammer thanks! Great stuff!
  18. leojeanetteleojeanette @MCHammer the AMs are isolated by choice. cause most of em step on the Nevers who helped em they don't trust anybody
  19. Ann Marie CoppinCityGal646 @MCHammer: Its relative "I Am" is in the here and now, "has been" wish for an old glory, and "Never Was" wel...never was.
  20. Steven Kemptonstevenkempton @MCHammer all three are just labels, the angriest are whoever believes in a label. Freedom is in refusing to label yourself and others.

Updates beginning with @MCHammer

  1. Michael ConraddMike_Conrad @MCHammer Thanks Hammer, just signed up yesterday. I need some followers!!!!!
  2. Annette DubowAnnetteDubow @MCHammer Today read it's actually U! Hello Re #CoffeeTime ♫I've made ref 2 song Can't Touch this♫ 2 Its CoffeeTime as the song played lol!x...
  3. compressedaudiojigglemequick @MCHammer "never was" until now
  4. Aaronagwright1183 @MCHammer "Never was": Vanilla ice, parachute pants, backup dancers etc.
  5. Michelle Pricemeprice79 @MCHammer Never was never existed therefore not definable. I enjoy your posts!
  6. J.O.quantumspirits @MCHammer Never's what quitters say to justify their weakness so their egos are in tact
  7. Corey NachamkinBIGGC_ @MCHammer love ya hammer bump da haters
  8. Ron Passaroronpassaro @MCHammer Whoops, 2nd try: An individual's own assessment that they never accomplished what they had hoped to
  9. John Lotzjtlotz @MCHammer do you ever plan on making a new album? I thought your music was awesome to dance to...especially for night clubs!
  10. NowVoyager777NowVoyager777 @MCHammer The NvrWas is the guy who made that tape in studio back in the 80's, but never got picked up. He lives in delusion that he was grt
  11. HairBoutique.comHairBoutique @MCHammer Very profound words. Great food for thought. Thank you.
  12. Sean GarrettNelstin @MCHammer The second are those who achived something percived as great, but never loved or cared for their family or friends.
  13. leojeanetteleojeanette @MCHammer If ur not strong, AMs will make Nevers feel like a Never Will Be. That's y im insensitive to the pitfalls of Ams.
  14. scottsummitscottsummit @MCHammer - "Never Was" is afraid to take a chance because of the risk of looking like a fool.
  15. Jen Taylortravelbugs @MCHammer i am the way the truth and the life....always is and always will be
  16. Kenneth Barrowkennethbarrow @MCHammer Now I'm stumped. From what point of view should I make the definition?
  17. rcamp004rcamp004 @MCHammer what do you mean by defining, "Never was"? What's the context?
  18. Ron Passaroronpassaro @MCHammer An individual's own assessment that they never accomplished what they wished they had hoped to
  19. leojeanetteleojeanette @MCHammer I WAS an Intern at a popular award show. Most Ams are bonafied assholes. When the cameras are off, the horns come out.
  20. Michael ConraddMike_Conrad @MCHammer great line from the movie "The Replacements"...Your not a has are a never was!" Meaning you have to be someone first

Updates beginning with @MCHammer

  1. Scott Olmsteadsrolmstead71 @MCHammer People can change. Your putting people in a catagory. Allow for miricles :-)
  2. David D. GriffithDDGriffith @MCHammer never was had the chance but didn't try
  3. Paul Povolnivoppa @MCHammer Others were motivated to pursue their passions...but he "never was" and therefore he never will be an "I am" or "has been"
  4. Jessica von SchrammJessvS @MCHammer Never Was are the people full of fear. Fear of failing and perhaps fear of succeeding.
  5. natethreepoint0natethreepoint0 @MCHammer Never Was is the person who tasted it, who had the proper facilities, but never made it. Like Icarus flying on wings of wax.
  6. HencelFurnitureQuest @MCHammer Keep inspiring the good fights MC. God bless!
  7. brandonmatbrandonmat @MCHammer never accomplishing what you sought out to do; never grasping the opportunities you were given; not moving forward
  8. nyg10nyg10 @MCHammer I think you need to go to bed.. night, night..
  9. Lindsey Malonelindseymalone @MCHammer I was lucky enough to get one of your framed platinum records personalized to me from your record label in the 90's. Thanks!
  10. Gail Lynne Goodwininspiremetoday @MCHammer I appreciate your insight in these last tweets. Would like to invite you to be a Luminary on Pls dm me. Thanks
  11. Ari Herzogariherzog @mchammer You're very deep today. Almost metaphysical. What brought it on?
  12. suZensuZen @MCHammer "Has beens" have the greatest potential for perspective on all three positions
  13. Gen Whitmorelittletales @MCHammer 'Am': Accomplishers, or at least people known for what they've done. 'Never Was': Those who never tried, living vicariously.
  14. AlexCondeAlexConde @MCHammer The only thing worse than being a "never was" is being a "never tried".
  15. Scott Olmsteadsrolmstead71 @MCHammer Don't you think that people can change? Never was - to - Next big thing? I can show you how
  16. suZensuZen @MCHammer "Never was" have no idea what it might be like to be an "I am" or "Has been" so can only guess they'd want to be either one
  17. Jane E JohnsonJaneEJohnson @MCHammer Never was...always was/is.
  18. Nalin Mittalnalin @mchammer NEVER WAS is simply a lot of time invested with nothing to show for it.
  19. blendamericablendamerica @MCHammer superfragilisticexpialidocious
  20. Jude Adamvelocitygirl @MCHammer "Never Was" are either nicely self-aware & still moderately ambitious, or bitter as all get go, depending on acceptance of "Why".

Updates beginning with @MCHammer

  1. islandprincess2islandprincess2 @MCHammer Congratulations on your new show! I wish U continued success <3
  2. paul caldwellpaulcaldwell @MCHammer Amen
  3. JTMgivememoney @MCHammer why are you so cool?
  4. AJ JanssenAJ_Janssen @MCHammer Wild seeing you on here!
  5. Scott Orthscottorth @MCHammer Never was could mean many things; thought about it, wanted it, tried it. Regardless, they never made it.
  6. KakieFKakieF @mchammer @alexconde Deep thought on "never was"
  7. Matthew Podboypodboy @mchammer the "never was" is a sad story. barstool dreams. Talk and no action. Always the victim.
  8. Matthew Podboypodboy @MCHammer barstool dreams. Talk and no action. Always the victim.
  9. Kenneth Barrowkennethbarrow @MCHammer "Never was" Those who never believed in themselves enough to take the risk. Not dare to be incompetent. I the next higher level.
  10. Alix Dahlalix_says @MCHammer Never Was isn't the angriest, they're the bitterest, the saddest. Sad because they had so much, and didn't use any of it.
  11. AlexCondeAlexConde @MCHammer Do you have a definition for it?
  12. follow to winfollowtowin @MCHammer Its true you and Vanilla Ice are doing a show at UVU soon right?
  13. Natasha Thomasiamtasha @mchammer very true!
  14. David C. Garciadavidcgarcia @MCHammer Hello, MC Hammer!
  15. MsLFavoriteMsLfavorite Icon_lock @MCHammer So what do u think " Never was " is?
  16. James leekLeekymk @MCHammer hi
  17. Bob BrowyZBstuff @MCHammer Played "Socialise" during my party tonight, everyone was dancing!
  18. Elijio RodriguezLee_Rod @MCHammer "Never was"Those who kept saying "I CAN" while others said "I DID". Not trying to reach their full potential,and settling for less
  19. ootragirlootragirl @MCHammer "never was" never spoken.. for our eyes&mind must b open to ALL possibilties& beyond pushing boundaries..always making all happen
  20. Peter Robert CaseyPeter_R_Casey @mchammer Frmr. classmates are starting to tag old photos of me wearing hammer pants back in the early '90s. Would u be offended if I untag?

Updates beginning with @MCHammer

  1. T. is for TruthTisforTruth @MCHammer I'm enjoying your tweets and your thoughtfulness. :-)
  2. KakieFKakieF @MCHammer Life, is about creating memories, don't you think?
  3. Shawn Hawaiishawnhawaii @MCHammer still 2 Legit 2 Quit!!
  4. Melyssa [Mel B]MsClovisEskimo @MCHammer Yo how much would it cost to have you come to Fresno and drop some knowledge on us? Don't think I'm joking either! {{RT @GFTD1}}
  5. Leonard Cristlennycrist @mchammer off
  6. Arnold Castroacastro26 @MCHammer the "never was" is someone who was never destined to be
  7. Justin Wilsonthehulkster @MCHammer never was didnt get when he couldve. never was could still be trying never was feels like a failure never was hesitated
  8. GhoulpoolGhoulpool @MCHammer damn MC I think you took up 80% of my screen real estate tonight!
  9. GerryLGerraffe @MCHammer , I LOVE YOU
  10. KdotdiorKdotdior @MCHammer I'm confused!!
  11. MJOMJOffen @MCHammer I think all 3 examples can be equally angry. If one seeks external validation-whether past, present or future, it's never enough.
  12. Robert Gorellrobertgorell @MCHammer You know you're getting traction once you get hated on for dumb reasons. That's the call of the Never Will Be.
  13. Greek foodgreekfood @MCHammer Yo MC, I always thought "iams" were a pet food, no? :-)
  14. Mr. IncognitoGFTD1 Icon_lock @MCHammer Yo how much would it cost to have you come to Fresno and drop some knowledge on us? Don't think I'm joking either...!
  15. Micheal SavoieMichealSavoie @MCHammer Nickelback's Rockstar is a good example of someone who has the dream to go from #NeverWas to #IAm
  16. Alexis Scott-Davislexy315 @MCHammer "Never was" never tried. They let the fear of failure get in the way of living their dreams.
  17. Tracee Spoisonaholic @MCHammer i started twitter just a few minutes ago because i saw you on the news that you twittered. no lie
  18. ladiicx2005ladiicx2005 @MCHammer hey hows everything
  19. tommy pesaventojenandtommy @MCHammer Is the ultimate goal of these talks to turn the "never was" into a "can become", and the "has been" into the "still becoming"? ;)
  20. KakieFKakieF @mchammer sometimes people get stuck in never was because they don't know how to break the cycle or are compulsively self reliant

Updates beginning with @MCHammer

  1. Victor Nobregalordvito121 @MCHammer one who has wasted their talent or ability.gave up when it got to hard
  2. Catherine ColvardCatColvard @MCHammer I don't think any group as a whole is more angry. Each individual chooses to be happy angry etc regardless of their circumstances
  3. Josh Petersonjdpeterson @MCHammer "that guy" who relives old victories and forgets to not only live in the moment, but CREATE new moments for himself
  4. Victor Nobregalordvito121 @MCHammer one who has wated their talent or ability.gave up when it got to hard
  5. M E SmithLeerie @MCHammer Ha, you're getting into philosophy of life rather than fleeting fame now.
  6. Erikal0v3bomb @MCHammer 2 legit, 2 legit to twit. (hey, hey)
  7. George Butler, IIIgrumpyjanitor @MCHammer You're more like an 'Always will be"
  8. Asia DavisHollyVersace @MCHammer has been means: Has been places they never been b4 they even knew about it! Has been doing things they wish the could do! : )
  9. leojeanetteleojeanette @MCHammer if those memories contribute to the lowest point of your life would you want them? Via Milly Vanilli?
  10. Lance Coupaudtoaday @MCHammer Has been: MC Hammer :-P
  11. The Southern Mamaajsouthern @MCHammer what's with all the profound deepness tonight, hun? Gosh golly. I don't like to think this much on Saturday
  12. Jodyjoughdee @MCHammer please hammer don't hurt us
  13. Ruby Ruby_TuTu @MCHammer :) Seriously: I've been following the convo this evening and I agree with your thoughts and think it's great you're sharing ideas.
  14. IconicIconic88 @MCHammer Thanks for your Hammer'isms Hammer. Peace from Sydney!
  15. Ruby Ruby_TuTu @MCHammer Alright, that's IT! *get's off barstool and starts writing that novel, building dream home, putting together 1-girl stage show.*
  16. Big HeffBigHeff @mchammer you told the truth on the hammer- i feel like thats the soul of someones personality-
  17. Joel Hathawayjoelwilliam @MCHammer mayB never Was. But then they don't know what they R missing. Has Been's R only angry if they R depressed & focus on the past.
  18. Catherine McKeeDestinyRoxx @MCHammer Quite poetic. Nice..
  19. GorillamonkGorillamonk @MCHammer shouldn't we be looking to over achieve and to break beyond accepted limits?
  20. summer harpersumsum2 Icon_lock @MCHammer "never was" is me-set out for goals that were set aside--yes sad and jealous of what i dont have and what others do--not a wannabe

Updates beginning with @MCHammer

  1. leojeanetteleojeanette @MCHammer Deep Rooted- Memories (Itues /Amazon Mp3)
  2. leojeanetteleojeanette @MCHammer "See the pain in my face and be askin me why/ always DO never TRY cuz grown men do cry/"
  3. leojeanetteleojeanette @MCHammer "its a lifetime of memories passing me by/At the eve of distruction cuz we happy 2 ride/
  4. Bob Schwarzbetatime @MCHammer All this reminds me of my motivation rock. Some people make things happen, some watch things happen, others ask what has happened.
  5. Aaronagwright1183 @MCHammer "Has Been" one who was popular according to the public standard, but is no longer.
  6. Joel Hathawayjoelwilliam @MCHammer I think the only time any1 gets Angry is when they "Lose Their Vision" a Has Been with a vision is better than an I AM without one
  7. NochipraNochipra @MCHammer If people consider themselves "has beens" then in their mind they are kinda dead bc they don't look forward to future
  8. alethea41alethea41 @MCHammer @PauloCoelho you should really read, The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho=good stuff about dreams, passions, ambition, etc. =)
  9. Edoardo Piccolottoepiccolotto @MCHammer to have memories you have to experienced things
  10. Bob Schwarzbetatime @MCHammer Was at the top, couldn't cope with the pressure and soon found all they gained lost.
  11. Scott Orthscottorth @MCHammer 2 kinds. Ones who give up on themselves & lose everything. & ones who people stop following, thus perceiving them as Has Beens
  12. Aaronagwright1183 @MCHammer "Has Been" one who was but no longer is in the eyes of the public.
  13. BlondeBloggerBlondeBlogger @MCHammer you? ;)
  14. NochipraNochipra @MCHammer Guess there are no "has beens". IF ur still alive & living way u want, then there should be no anger. Has Been implied dead?
  15. Kenneth Barrowkennethbarrow @MCHammer "Has Been" one who has climbed to the top and fallen. Now the test- Will they revert back to a Never Was or get up?
  16. SchittySpokenRain @MCHammer someone past their prime still trying live, act and or perform as if they still were WITHOUT ever accepting their prime is gone
  17. leojeanetteleojeanette @MCHammer Has Been has reached the peak of there career then replaced by the next hot shot when they fail 2 preform. Its and endless cycle.
  18. mzmizmzmiz @mchammer a "has been" is a person who has usually been where many people have never gone.
  19. Josh Petersonjdpeterson @MCHammer by "that guy"i mean the "has been" :)
  20. David D. GriffithDDGriffith @MCHammer never was had the chance, but didn't try. has been had the chance and tried, got 15 minutes of fame and died.

Updates beginning with @MCHammer

  1. NaunihalNaunihal Icon_lock @MCHammer Funny how quick people are to blame the "never was" for his lack of success as if their own successes were under their own control
  2. Kenneth Barrowkennethbarrow @MCHammer His journey is not complete! or the he would have used "was". Kenya Next?
  3. Arnold Castroacastro26 @MCHammer a has been is some one that once traveled to make the trip and lived to tell about it.
  4. leojeanetteleojeanette @MCHammer he has been overseas w/a promising retirement after the military. Bush turned that mutha out now is IS living on SSI.
  5. Micheal SavoieMichealSavoie @MCHammer you really have that English language down, my friend. Meanings and nuances, that is why your songs worked so well!
  6. Sam_to_the_BSam_to_the_B @MCHammer in that case the has been really isn't the most angry, he seems thankful for his experiences, not angry that he's not there now
  7. adiahaadiaha @MCHammer Damn bro! Preach!
  8. Joe ParksJRParks @MCHammer you got it, cheers
  9. Justin Wilsonthehulkster @MCHammer has Beens are lifers
  10. MsLFavoriteMsLfavorite Icon_lock @MCHammer Wow! lol!
  11. thinkverybigthinkverybig @MCHammer
  12. Salvador Inocensio sinocensio @MCHammer Has been, is an old school expression for a loser, for what ever reason - a loser. Life took its shape, he lost, then he quit life
  13. blendamericablendamerica @MCHammer Mandelbot and Fractal Theory
  14. thinkverybigthinkverybig @MCHammer
  15. DavidNewbyDavidNewby @MCHammer: we all want to know that we're significant and that our lives matter for something. Jealousy is a sign of feeling insignificant.
  16. unxpctdblessingunxpctdblessing @MCHammer has been: to stand in the face of joy or despair allowing equal momentum and time for the small and large moments, embracing life.
  17. Samantha KaiNeSDotKaine Icon_lock @MCHammer I LOVE that Definition of "Has Been"!!!!
  18. Sara Reynolds thebodyelectrk @MCHammer is blowing up. should my ceiling art project go in my living room or sleeping quarters? your opinion counts!
  19. DavidNewbyDavidNewby @MCHammer: "Has Been" is a phrase made up by wanna-bes who wish they were a well-known "Been" in the first place. A hater phrase!
  20. Nickshubleedsblue10 @MCHammer Past their prime

Updates beginning with @MCHammer

  1. JasonjZord @MCHammer may be the wisest man on the planet.
  2. Matt ParkerShinyDisco @MCHammer A Has Been's the hero that's been there, come back home, and knows what's important to him now besides the glitz and glam.
  3. rockingjuderockingjude @MCHammer.....On a roll with exponential philosophy?
  4. mymoonmymoon @MCHammer Do you then believe I Am is inconsistent with We Are?
  5. leojeanetteleojeanette @MCHammer your gonna be at Cash Creek Casino in the bay? just saw the commercial...'hammer pants' are back in style :-)
  6. sharahellobeauty @MCHammer Great point. Mickey & Iron Man fought to overcome their issues, and they stopped allowing others to define their worth.
  7. Ron Passaroronpassaro @MCHammer "Has Been": A person who's heyday appears to have come and gone
  8. JsQueen625jsqueen625 @MCHammer i am sure you will do well & with more wisdom. God bless
  9. leojeanetteleojeanette @MCHammer perhaps status has value in the persons perception of happiness. Some are HAPPY being a never was in a small town.
  10. leojeanetteleojeanette @MCHammer was it worth it if the HB is living the now though his past & has nothing 2 show for it except a dusty trophy?
  11. John Ahrendsjahrends @MCHammer You have had an interesting ride so far. I'm looking forward to seeing what comes next.
  12. LuCiajavonLuCiajavon The conclusion .....
  13. LuCiajavonLuCiajavon Man... Dope is all I gotta say ://
  14. rcamp004rcamp004 @MCHammer work hard "to go" places. Return home from where you "have been" and after you pass away you "never were" if u make no impact now!
  15. Derek MatiasDerek_Matias @MCHammer you have been unfollowed =(
  16. Byron BerryByronBerry @MCHammer "Has Been" means "Has been something". Here's my fave "Has Been" U don't have to be a Canuck, or Trekkie
  17. SchittySpokenRain @MCHammer Robert Downey jr was never a has been,he was just plagued with demons and needed to wake up and heal himself.Mickey rourke may be
  18. NaunihalNaunihal Icon_lock @MCHammer That is, nobody wants to admit that some people have a harder time than others. Ignoring pre-existing advantages makes folks smug
  19. Micheal SavoieMichealSavoie @MCHAMMER Even though I "Had been" tired all day, "I am" still awake because I "never was" planning to go to bed early!
  20. fuzebfuzeb @MCHammer damn family u goin hardbody...somebody called u a has been on twitter? dont let em get to u if u feel ur accomplished ya dig?

Updates beginning with @MCHammer

  1. leojeanetteleojeanette @MCHammer have a productive night. The I am will never be a Has been w/ a powerful legacy. Ray Charles ne1?
  2. Josef Sandovalerbal210 @mchammer its hammertime <0> J <0>
  3. Kenneth Barrowkennethbarrow @MCHammer I AM truly amazed, it Has Been interesting, but I Never Was great at pop quizzes.
  4. chellep66chellep66 @MCHammer Love you!
  5. ashtonashtonwastaken @MCHammer are you really performing in ORLANDO soon?
  6. JamesJamSmooth @MCHammer Why do your rehearsals start so late?
  7. Michelle M McCormackMichelleMMM @MCHammer The One And Only!
  8. edshinedshin @MCHammer please hammer, don't hurt 'em
  9. Rob MichaelAtmosTrio @MCHammer Different states of 'Been' or 'Being' are external views , As such, can they really be considered relevant?
  10. Billye ThompsonBillyeThompson @McHammer Way to represent at HBS!
  11. Scott Orthscottorth @mchammer thought provoking tweets. Excellent. Thank you!
  12. Tim McGaffintimmcgaffin @MCHammer I'll see you this Friday in Utah Hammer! You are the Greatest!
  13. leojeanetteleojeanette @MCHammer ...but is NOW at the same status as the never was then what's the point?
  14. Big HeffBigHeff @mchammer yeah i read a blog that made me think of that myself-the work it takes to get on top-can not be discounted-has been & never
  15. leojeanetteleojeanette @MCHammer the I AM was all three. what's important is the NOW. If the I AM went 2 the top and back
  16. SistaSistaSistaSistaSistaSista @MCHammer your words are touching, do you care to elaborate.. if it's not personal.
  17. SchittySpokenRain @MCHammer a has been can claim to have been, an I am can claim to be, but a never was can claim neither, so I agree.
  18. devorahfdevorahf @MCHammer The danger of all things is throwing stones from a glass house.
  19. Dorian DavisDorianDavis @MCHammer "Has been" is not so bad. Denotes accomplishment, no?
  20. leojeanetteleojeanette @MCHammer I believe a Has Been has power if they have something substantial to show for their Glory days. Memories won't pay the bills.

Updates beginning with @MCHammer

  1. DiverCityDiverCity @MCHammer Help us spread DiverCity around the World! If you believe in us like we believe in you, repost this message! Thanks!
  2. ladycupcakeladycupcake @MCHammer Also, if one remains chained to what "has been" (the past), they will never truly unlock the possibilities of the future.
  3. Stan ChangStanChang @MCHammer Tony Danza "has been"
  4. John TomblingJohnT1974 @MCHammer the I Am is a has been who never was. Who is he?
  5. mrchristianlawmrchristianlaw @MCHammer hammer I am. They put me in the mix!
  6. jonathanflemingjonathanfleming @MCHammer From Oakland, keep up the great work! Go Hammer!
  7. Sunniesoap_lady_2 @MCHammer and Good Luck MC *)
  8. Makonnen Sheranilovemakonnen @MCHammer you are hammer!!! You have over 100k followers on here! Damn I didn't know it was like that!!!=]
  9. Stephan Stavrakis3DThinking @MCHammer I don't know if you remember doing a show in Penticton BC. There was a riot shortly after your show.. I was at that show It rocked
  10. Joseph ANimerOne @MCHammer have a great rehearsal.
  11. HibippyteaHibippytea Time for me to go to bed and get my beauty sleep - Tweet dreams everyone :-) night night!
  12. Michelle Mullinmichellemullin @MCHammer There's also the"Never Was" who tried very hard, but somehow never did- through no fault of their own, that is a reason to be mad
  13. Dann Ledwickledwick @MCHammer HAMMER you ROCK THE FREE WORLD bro! I saw you and your son at Jubliee a couple years ago - blessings to you and yours!
  14. sweebitsweebit @MCHammer I Hope you make a big ass come back hammer. Not for us, but for you! I know where you've been man. God SPEED!
  15. Annette DubowAnnetteDubow @MCHammer @BingFutch How you doin? Feel like join us for #CoffeeTime?
  16. @gfMealsgfMeals @MCHammer Rehearsal at 11 PM?
  17. blendamericablendamerica @MCHammer we form Voltron
  18. Brandon J. Carrbrandonjcarr @MCHammer Man, I've had a crazy night, MC Hammer. How about you? How are you doing?
  19. Paul Povolnivoppa @MCHammer I Am Voppa and I appreciate your thought provoking tweets. Have a great rehearsal
  20. annemarieymannemarieym @MCHammer YES YOU ARE!

Updates beginning with @MCHammer

  1. CarolessexgirlSE @MCHammer "Never was" - depends on the reason the dreams didn't happen, some of us gave them up for darn good (and altristic) reasons
  2. Andrew Matthewspid2000 @MCHammer If you work towarde a dream remember it's the journey that is important. Enjoy it and learn. Then whenever it stops you will be ..
  3. Penny KingsleyCopperplate @MCHammer well, you were part of 'my was'...great to know you are now part of my 'as I stand' and happiness to you xxx
  4. Andrew Matthewspid2000 @MCHammer There is no such thing as 'never was, Everybody is..something. Don't define yourself by what you haven't but what you have done
  5. Andrew Matthewspid2000 @MCHammer (I am cont) and not by other peoples targets or perception of success will be happy and not have the yes men or need them
  6. Andrew Matthewspid2000 @MCHammer Your I am definition is based on one of hollow celeb, business standing. An I am who has defined the position for their self(cont)
  7. Carlos Nazarenoobject404 @MCHammer mimes would be so much cooler if they were set to hiphop and soul in tha background :D
  8. Andrew Matthewspid2000 @MCHammer It's not the group myou're in it's the person you are that makes you angry.If you accept where you are you can be happy if not
  9. ronald orourkeronkate @MCHammer Have a nice day mate
  10. mamaafricamamaafrica @MCHammer Keep up the wonderful positive thinking and spread it on.
  11. Geoff Mendicinomendicino @mchammer why you spamming my twitter
  12. AmeyLukinich @MCHammer showin the luv.
  13. brosbeshowbrosbeshow @MCHammer damn 'please hammer don't hurt 'em'
  14. Charley Waradycharleyw @MCHammer I am a "will be". And always will be
  15. Cubase Dancubasedan @MCHammer pumps and a bump?
  16. glenncaseglenncase @MCHammer They put me in the mix.
  17. danielrmccarthydanielrmccarthy @MCHammer can be good cze not trying to be an I am means never being a has been. Inner peace?
  18. SoccorroSoccorro @mchammer Yes Suh! "THEY PUT ME IN THE MIX."!!
  19. CathyWrightcwrc11 @MCHammer HAMMER away!
  20. Heather Bonelliabsolutbonelli @MCHammer you convinced me on GMA to join so here I am! "has been" is such an ugly term btw, your never a has been if your still here!


  1. I have to go to rehearsal now, hope this "has been" fruitful and thank you for your thoughts (tweets) ... Oh by the way..."I AM HAMMER" !!!
  2. Clearly the distance from "Has Been" to... I Am"... is shorter ....and subjective...leaving "Never Was" ...tortured and angry.. and such is.
  3. One is working hard "to go", where one "Has Been"...... the "Has Been is a strong position, ask.." Iron Man" and Mickey at the Oscars !!
  4. He said he has ,"Been to Spain, Been to Japan, Been to, Russia, Been to Romania, Been to Germany... and it "Has been" a rich experience
  5. With that said... and not withstanding define "Has Been"
  6. Life is made of memories, without memories their is no soul.. to have memories you have to "go" somewhere, to have gone, is to have "been"..
  7. RT @podboy @mchammer the "never was" is a sad story. barstool dreams. Talk and no action. Always the victim.
  8. RT @alix_says Never Was isn't the angriest, they're the bitterest, the saddest. Sad because they had so much, and didn't use any of it.
  9. RT kennethbarrow @MCHammer "Never was" Those who never believed in themselves enough to take the risk. Not dare to be incompetent.
  10. RT @Lee_Rod "Never was "Those who kept saying "I CAN" while others said "I DID". Not trying to reach their full potential, settling for less
  11. RT @brandonmat @MCHammer never accomplishing what you sought out to do; never grasping the opportunities you were given; not moving forward
  12. RT @MsLfavorite @MCHammer Was'nt there to begin with. Dont exist or never did exist. Am i right?.. lol
  13. RT @leojeanette the never was is the one who ALMOST got this or ALMOST landed that but never got it. Decades of hard work but no pay off.
  14. RT @littletales I find that 'Never Was' is the angriest. 'Has Been' had something to be proud of. Never Was hate reminders they never tried.
  15. "Never Was"..... define this
  16. Authentic human interaction is essential for growth both natural and spiritual. I Am's have a invincible disposition that rejects compassion
  17. "Am's" at the highest level for an extended period of time become isolated by default ,isolation is punishment. you lose the common touch.
  18. On the highest level of "Am" the human experience is no longer authentic, everyone laughs at your jokes,yes you to death,see you as currency
  19. RT @jose3030 @mchammer missing teen was found.
  20. While we ponder these thoughts let's define the groups.... What does "Am" mean?


Kingpin L W said...

Hey Hammer,
I've been reading your blog for a long time now and I dont think I've ever seen it as stale as it is right now.
These Tweet things are not in the least bit interesting and where have all the updates gone about what you are up too at work and with your family?.
This Blog was an insight into your world but now it's just a message board of sorts that your loyal readers from way back find boring. At least I do anyway.

Imran Ali said...

Good blog - But need the attention of the authour to attract more readers.

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