Sunday, January 21, 2007

Sundance: Here Comes The Hammer!!

From my sidekick


Rose said...

those are some beautiful scenes

Deron said...

I think pictures of mountain ranges are very appropriate, MC Hammer, because mountains are unconquerable terrain. And unconquerable terrain is just a metaphor for indomitable will. A will like yours, sir, which will not yield; a will which will not allow you to lie down or to rest, but drives you continually forward in relentless pursuit of your goals, despite the obstacles that block your path. Unconquerable. Indomitable. Inexorable. These are the words I think we all would use to describe the mountainous will inside your soul.

These pictures also look like the layer of scum I found on my cottage cheese when I came home after Christmas holidays. But I assure you that, were you to come live in my basement, you would dine on only the finest, mold-free cottage cheeses.

Another phrase that comes to mind is, "If the mountain will not come to Muhammad, then Muhammad will go to the mountain". While I am very much in favour of having you living in my basement, I don't think I'm prepared to move it. I mean, while you're busy jet-setting across the country, do you really want to be followed around by a guy who's driving a basement? Does anyone? Where would I park it?

Vanessa said...

Deron could you stop the basement jokes they are scaring me, and not to mention very wack.

nandoze said...

How are the movie and festival going?

Anonymous said...

Cool pictures Hammer.
Where is it, in Afghanistan?

sweetsherrylinn said...

Mr. Hammer...or is it now Pastor Hammer? (I'm not sure how to respectfully address you)
I just want you to know that you made a difference in my life this morning. I was watching you teach on Praise The Lord and was inspired to "Get down on my knees and find God's purpose" for my life and while doing so, I stopped and listened for God's response just as you suggested. For the first time ever, I heard the voice of God speak to me!! It was incredible!!! God is obviously using you to do great things! You are a wonderful teacher of His word. I was quite impressed with your teaching on Praise The Lord tonight and that doesn't happen too often when it comes to those preaching on T.V. Keep up the good work!!!

I looked for the website they posted ( but could not find it. Has it changed? All I could find was your blog. This is the first time I have ever blogged so I may not even be doing it right.

Have you thought about doing Christian Rap or Hip Hop??? You may already have. I haven't listened to your music since you had "Can't Touch This" Please dont be offended. I rarely listen to secular music anymore, preferring my music to have a God-inspired message. Anyway keep up the "God" and thank you for inspiring me.

Your Friend and Fan In Jesus

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