Sunday, August 24, 2008

Glamorama 2008 !!! Fun..

Macys is a first class organization. They treated me and my crew with the utmost respect.


Anonymous said...

they treated you like that because you are a famous person!!! :)

Anonymous said...

That's cool, glad to hear that it was a successful event!

Anonymous said...

You have earned every respect too MC, because of your many years nurturing a wonderful musical career, as well as your silent philanthropic/charity work you have begun!! I LOVE this pic of you and Cyndi Lauper; you look as young as you were 20 years ago!! Must be the lovin' family, solid friends and passion - music, charity, etc.. oooh yes, and the dancin'!!

MC Hammer said...

Thank you both. I'm feeling really good..dancing and eating right... happy with life and grateful for God's grace, my family and access to the door of creativity, power and humility.

Anonymous said...

It reflects wonderfully on you MC!! A loving family means everything in life! : )

Diet of the body, mind and soul is called for as the main ingredient to happiness and optimal health.

Keep dancin' looks good on ya!

Rooting for Obama over here in the fall; as well as Cindy Sheehan!!

arachesostufo said...

un megasaluto da scorzè Padania

Unknown said...

Hammer it's great that you finally bought back which used to be yours 10 years ago.

The track you put at the beginning of 'Glamorama 2008' video on dancejam is cool and I remember it's from few years ago. What's the name of the track? Seems you are going to release it.

The other track I hope you'll release is 'Party Here, Party There'. Will you ?

William T

Anonymous said...

i am happy to hear that

Anonymous said...

Hammer, just seen the clip from Detroit, man that was hot and brought back alot of memories for me. One of my favorite songs They Put Me In The Mix (the Remix) That was a hot song then and still hot today!

I can't wait to see a full concert, will you be going on tour anytime soon? And will the Look/Fullblast project be available to the public?

Holla back at ur girl,

Anonymous said...

You look great! Infact, you've always looked great. I listen to your songs everyday.

You're a legend.

Anonymous said...

What a pleasure to find your site after so long... I´m a huge fan of yours here from Brazil. I have all your cds and son on... Loved to see you with PDIDDY on MTV 2 - I guess NOW ITS´S HAMMER TIME once again... U CERTAINLY DESERVE IT !!!

makupads said...

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