Sunday, May 25, 2008

Blast24 : New Music


Anonymous said...

He's got a good flow and clever rhymes. Comes off like an "Eminem Take 2" though.

Anonymous said...

Does have a simmilar sound to Eminem. Also went the majority of the song before using a curse word. (Shock)

Unknown said...

Yep, the f word is fine with me but it isn't the Hammer style.

William T

Kingpin L W said...

The beat is awesome

Vanessa said...

I must agree with all of the comments, he does sound alot like Eminem.

Anonymous said...

Oh so this is the guy on "Mash for It". Yeah he sounds alot like Eminem.

Anonymous said...

I think he alot better than Eminen, Hes very good.

Anonymous said...

He definately has alot of talent,Even if there is some similarity to Eminen, Hestill talent.

Anonymous said...

He definately has alot of talent,Even if there is some similarity to Eminen, Hestill talent.

Unknown said...

FullBlast is bringin it!!! 2Face has tight flows. THE NEW FACES of Hip Hop.

Anonymous said...

Just because someone thinks Dasit sounds like Eminen, He does'nt. He has his own style.

Anonymous said...

Comparing one artist to another is flatteringly a compliment. It's up to the newer artist to find his uniqueness, a niche.. a breakthrough or something evolutionary of the "art/craft" they aspire to perfect.. this lad is well on his way to that individuality of his own. Eminem is a huge success; so this is a huge compliment for the lad. : )

Anonymous said...

i like it! good job!