Saturday, April 05, 2008

2008 Is Today: Hillary : Tonite Show


scituate said...

There she goes again, mentioning all the war-zones she's been in after joking about how she lied about the sniper fire.

Macadamia The Nut said...
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Macadamia The Nut said...

What amazes me is that she actually believes she's cracking jokes. Sigh! Somebody wake her up... poor thing! All those 3am phone calls are taking their toll on her ;)

msanne said...

She has mastered acting what a performance it is easy to tell when she is lying. liar thats what she is,How can we trust our lives and future to such a fate we would be at war with each other.This lady wants us to stay at war I say bring the boys home.

Anonymous said...

Hope future will be brighter!!

Anonymous said...

obama will win

Anonymous said...
