Friday, August 17, 2007



We need You...
your support...your voice and your prayers.

MC Hammer


Khristi Lauren said...

wow. i need about a million dollars and a cape to go around and help as much as it's needed. until then, i will pray.

Sr.Martínez said...

It's a damned shame that we all could use that million dollars and that cape and still we wouldn't solve the problem. I Think famine it's not a matter of big amounts of money but of big amounts of selfishness of the first world.

ddsNorth said...

Poverty can be irradicated; but, it takes sacrifice, work; and demands on government, to supply decent social assistance programs.

People are poor, not always from failure, laziness or addictions; sometimes people get poor, because the government is corrupt, and the system is incompetent. People have accidents and get diseased or disabled.

It boggles my mind, how we in north america; can spend billions on defence, on space exploration and warring; but, at the expense of people in third world country's.... like Darfur.

I thought I was poor; but I can and do get to eat daily; these folks in DArfur have been abandoned, and have become children of a lesser god(mankind.)

Breaks my heart, disturbs my sleep, and makes my mind swim with frustration at not being able to help..other than bring awareness to the plight of Darfur. And pray.

alyceclover said...

So sad. Just yesterday I read an article praising the USA and the Dubai Towers. The Bush/Clinton/Cheney types are reaping their millions from Dubai and I can not wait for God's Kingdom to come.