Monday, July 02, 2007

2008 Is Today

Obama in Oakland


Leslie @ Joy n Pain said...

Thank you for posting this!

tndrtouch said...

I know their are a lot of people that want to bring our troops home. But has any one really thought this through? If we do bring them home we are opening ourselves up for more of our own people to die and our guys are there and know better than any one what needs to be done, Please! don't bring the guys down by making them think they are incapable of doing the job they were assigned. Not one single guy went in the service by strong arm, they are all volunteers, and every time any of them are asked, if they want to go home, nearly all say NO. I think that's why they all signed up again where they are, thousands of them, in a country that is not their own, I for one think they are trying to tell us that they don't want to be forced to leave a job undone. "We want to stay until the job is finished, You know what I'm saying, when the job is accomplished." Like the sign on the ship that Bush spoke on at the beginning, Mission accomplished, But what most people don't really understand is: that sign was for the guys on the ship coming off of their own mission, and coming home, not for President Bush. If the guys want to be there then who are we to keep saying we need to bring them home? Bringing their moral down and making them feel as if their own countryman have no faith in their capabilities and that IS precisely what we are doing.
From what I understand, they are not runners or quitters, They, unlike most people here, take great pride in what the're doing, and feel that if a job is worth doing, then it should be worth doing well, Finishing what Osama bin Laden and his cronies started. That bunch of radical thinking people came to our country and killed over 3,000 of our own people in one day!. I really do hope that people will understand and agree that NOT ONE PERSON ON THE FACE OF THIS GREAT EARTH CAN KNOW WHEN THIS WILL BE OVER, IT'S OVER WHEN IT'S OVER! I wonder what would have happened if we had done the same thing in WW2, or The Korean war,or all the other wars before Viet Nam. continuing to say we need to bring our troops home still doesn't change the fact that they want to do the job they were given exceedingly well, the job we as a nation sent them there and trusted them to do. Our guys are the absolute best. Please just let them do their jobs. WE are the people THEY hold in the palm of their hands. Appreciate them, trust them, and God bless and watch over our wonderful troops always and all ways.

Unknown said...

just droppin a line... MG