Ah... that post about a rodeo christmas sure brings back some fond memories of rodeos and christmases.
Y'know, if you have any interest at all of coming to live in my basement for a few months, Saskatchewan has a long and proud history of rodeos and christmases. We've been celebrating christmas since 1905!
If it's any incentive, I'd be more than willing to put a little country-and-western theme down there, y'know, maybe hang up a couple of stuffed deer heads or something. Put some antlers on my dog. Heck, I'll even install those swinging saloon doors and hire a piano player to stop playing every time you walk in the room.
I guess that's more old west than rodeo, isn't it?
Hi! I have not been back in a while.
Glad to see you are all still around, doing well.
Please feel free to visit my sites Mr. Hammer if you have free time and want to see some funny or interesting stuff.
New York Bathrooms
Micro Images
Bono is Brian Peppers!
Ah... that post about a rodeo christmas sure brings back some fond memories of rodeos and christmases.
Y'know, if you have any interest at all of coming to live in my basement for a few months, Saskatchewan has a long and proud history of rodeos and christmases. We've been celebrating christmas since 1905!
If it's any incentive, I'd be more than willing to put a little country-and-western theme down there, y'know, maybe hang up a couple of stuffed deer heads or something. Put some antlers on my dog. Heck, I'll even install those swinging saloon doors and hire a piano player to stop playing every time you walk in the room.
I guess that's more old west than rodeo, isn't it?
Those are great pictures..
these memories are what life is all about!!
thanks for sharing with us MC.. the kids look like they are having the time of their lives.
SoOo very happy to hear wee lad Sammy, has recovered well enough to attend his big brothers play...
Seasons Blessings,
What a different idea for a holiday play- but they sure do look cute!
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thanks ..
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